
Ecommerce Content Optimization: Best Use For Your Content

Ecommerce content optimization is not easy. Depending on the execution, the process can help or hinder your conversion rate. If you do everything right, then you will immediately see the result in sales. For example, according to statistics, the first position in the ranking in Google increases 34.36% CTR.

Product descriptions are important no matter what industry you’re selling to. Description is an important part of your online store and should be the focus of most of your SEO and conversion optimization. A well-thought-out product card can not only drive more users to your site, but it can also work out customer objections.

Ecommerce content optimization: basics

In almost everything you do in your store, you must optimize your content for the search engines. Search engine optimization (SEO) is the easiest way to attract new customers to your page, which is the very first step in convincing a person to buy your product. 70% of marketers agree that SEO gives better results than PPC.

Optimization starts with keywords, which are usually the search terms that customers use to find the product they are looking for. With a little keyword research, you can quickly determine which keywords are best for your store.

Place your keywords in the following places:

    • Page titles
    • Meta descriptions
    • Image tags (called ALT tags)
    • Product Descriptions


To better understand what keywords you might be using for your product, check for one obvious keyword through services like LSIGraph to generate a list of related keywords. Such tools scans the Internet to determine which pages have the highest search engine rankings for your chosen keyword. He then lists the most frequently used keywords on those pages.

Choosing the right keywords is important as they give your customers clues about where to go and what action to take. Nearly 70% of clicks on Google search results are organic and only 30% on AdWords. The phrases you choose should be organic, human-centered, and easy to understand. Describe the benefits of your product as briefly as possible.

With CopyMonkey.ai you can save time on creating descriptions up to 10 times: we already know how best to write a description for your products. You just have to load the characteristics and wait a bit.

When it comes to SEO, put yourself in the customer’s shoes to write more about what users are saying about your products and how. Use phrases based on search terms. 69% of users say they are more likely to purchase from a website that answers their questions. Using search query-targeted phrases with high search volume and low keyword density gives you the ability to outperform the competition for specified keywords.

product descriptions & category descriptions

Description of categories

Usually, filling the store with content begins with the description of the categories. Your customers are sure to frequently browse category descriptions on their way to certain products, either through your online store menu or because they are redirected to a category page from Google. Unlike texts about products, the lifespan of which is determined by the relevance of the product, category descriptions in most cases remain online for a long time.

Product Descriptions

Just like an offline store needs staff who are well versed in a range of products, your store needs texts that accurately describe your products. Product descriptions are usually the last and decisive thing shoppers read before they add them to their shopping cart. Well-written product descriptions will convince more customers to click that button.

Risks of lack of unique content

The most important thing in describing categories and products for your online store – and what they have in common – is that they are unique. If you use text copied from the Internet (for example, from your supplier’s website), you will not make progress in the search engine page rankings. There is no reason for Google to display your content if there are already other sites (which have been around longer) that they can display instead. At CopyMonkey.ai we are able to create original texts for product descriptions.

The key to great seo: keywords

What are keywords

Keywords are words or phrases that people use to find pages with the information they need through search engine results. It’s important to use keywords in all types of text on your site so that your page ranks well, that is, it appears as early as possible in search results. However, it is also important not to use too many keywords, not to spam them – search engines underestimate or hide such pages with low-quality, unnatural texts.

It is customary to divide keywords according to several parameters: according to their degree and competitiveness, and according to the context in which they are used.

By frequency of use, the keys are divided into:

High-frequency queries are those that are most often entered by users. Depending on the topic, such words are requested from a thousand to a million times a month. To find the highest-frequency keywords for your site, first of all focus on the most general term that characterizes the direction of your business.

Mid-frequency – they are requested regularly, but at times less often than high-frequency ones – from 200-300 to a thousand times a month. These keywords are best suited for the names of product categories and site sections.

Low-frequency – they are usually searched only 100 to 900 times a month. As a rule, such keywords are quite long, they can be added to individual pages of the site within categories and subcategories.

Types of keywords by the context of use:

Informational – queries that are not focused on e-commerce, this is a search for some kind of data. Usually used to promote blogs.

Transactional – the most relevant and competitive queries for an online store. Add them to category, product and service pages.

Navigational – queries about finding specific sites.

General – queries for which the intention of the user is not clear.

Why keywords are needed

Keywords help search engines evaluate a site’s relevance to a user’s request. With the help of text analysis, search engine algorithms understand whether the user will receive an answer to his request and how complete it will be. The main criteria for top ranking is just the presence of keywords in the main text, titles, and meta tags of the site. Long search queries have 3-5% higher CTRs.

Keyword selection: where to start

At the very beginning, it is important to understand what queries users enter when searching for your products. Collect them in one table. Then break down your words according to the criteria we outlined above. After such a useful exercise, we advise you to use one of the services to expand the list.

Services for the selection of keywords









So, to sum up: you need to put all product descriptions and category descriptions using keywords and pay attention to the uniqueness rate.


P.S.  Try CopyMonkey. Our AI will take care of your Product Descriptions, in bulk or separately. Editing is faster than writing from scratch, and you will have more time on your hands for other important tasks.